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Laboratório Teuto promotes an action that offers prize giveaways during the games of the World Cup

The project is part of the pharmaceutical company’s endomarketing strategy to all of its more than 3,500 employees.

Those who were cheering on Brazil were rudely interrupted in the quarterfinals when the Seleção (Brazilian National Team) were eliminated in the Qatar Fifa World Cup 2022 by Croatia. The country’s dream of the “Hexa”(“Sixth Title”) was therefore pushed until the next event in 2026, but prizes were given away anyway by Laboratório Teuto and the contest surpassed expectations during which Teuto awarded contestants who participated via the company’s internal app throughout all the games of the tournament.

Each game, 15 winners were selected who each received a personalized shirt who were among those who correctly predicted the outcome of the game. “This was a strategic way of building relationship with our more than 3,500 employees while maintaining the objective of incentivizing a healthy atmosphere of competition alongside the World Cup”, pointed out Bruna Cotrim, the one responsible for Teuto’s endomarketing actions.

Gabriela Mendes Duarte, one of the winners from the Brazil vs Switzerland game, revealed that the action got her colleagues motivated even more. “Every day that Brazil was scheduled to play we began our day thinking about our guesses and trying to make the best predictions. This generated excitement, first of all because Brazil was on the field, but also because we were hoping to guess the score”, the Teuto analyst told us.

In another story, Celio Marcos Batista, coordinator of the IT Department, told us that what got him excited was all the competition and trying to take a risk in guessing the outcomes. “I decided to take a risk concerning my guess for the Brazil vs South Korea and registered that Brazil would win 4×1, but I never told this to any of my colleagues as to not allow them to influence my guess. When Brazil scored four goals right away I actually began cheering for South Korea to score and, well, it worked out. I ended up winning the shirt”, revealed the only other winner of the Brazil vs South Korea match.

About Teuto:
Working within the market for more than seven decades now, with the most complete manufacturing plant within Latin America, and as a pioneer concerning the production of generic medicines in Brazil, Teuto is a reference within the national and international markets. The company, which is synonymous with quality and trustworthiness at affordable prizes, provides more quality of life for its clients, employees, and partners by means of its excellence within developing, manufacturing, and commercializing its products, and by valuing its socio-environmental responsibility, reaffirming that “If it’s Teuto, it’s trustworthy.”

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