The action reinforces the mission of the pharmaceutical company in providing health and contributing to the well-being and quality of life of the population
In December of 2022, Laboratório Teuto held its annual Christmas Dinner (whole chickens) and toys giveaway for institutions for the needy in Anápolis (GO). The action reinforces the mission of the pharmaceutical company which is to provide health and contribute toward the well-being and quality of life for the whole society.
The company helped ten different institutions which included daycares, homes for the elderly, support homes, and others. They included: The daycare Pequeno Abandonado Luz de Jesus, in the burrough of Recanto do Sol; the home for the elderly Asilo São Vicente de Paula, in Zona Rural; the support home Casa Amparo – Igreja Batista Central de Anápolis, in Cidade Universitária; the rehab center Comunidade Terapêutica Aldeia da Paz, in Vale das Antas; another rehab center MORHAN – Movimento de Reintegração Hanseniano, in the burrough of Novo Paraíso; the support center Associação Missionária Peniel, in Monte Sinay, the daycare Creche Lar Infantil Frederico Ozanam, in the Jardim Calixto area, the home for the elderly Abrigo dos Velhos Professor Nicephoro Pereira da Silva, in the Jundiaí sector, the orphanage Associação de Atendimentos a Criança Sagrada Família, which is located in Vila Jaiara, and the home for the elderly Abrigo Monte Sinai, in the Parque Industrial region.
According to a social worker and the director of the Abrigo dos Velhos Professor Nicephoro Pereira da Silva (Home for the Elderly Professor Nicephoro Pereira da Silva), Roselaine Cardoso Gomes, the action helps their patients have some much needed social interactions. “The elderly are often times forgotten, so when companies such as Teuto reinforce actions that are intended to support them, it’s really gratifying to see. Our residents look forward to this moment and even to develop a daily routine in preparation to receive the visitors”, she revealed.
“The end of the year is a time in which all of us become more sensitive and aware of others, and of course, we want to be remembered ourselves. Therefore, it’s always a joy when we receive these donations”, stated the president of the daycare Creche Lar Infantil Frederico Ozanam (Daycare – Kids Place – Frederico Ozanam), Ozair Rodrigues da Cunha. “Along with that, these partnerships help us develop and teach our kids”, he finished.
About Teuto:
For more than seven decades in the heart of Brazil, with the most complete pharmaceutical manufacturing park in Latin America and as a complete solution concerning healthcare, Laboratório Teuto is a stand-out within the national and international markets. The company, which is synonymous with quality and confidence, provides more quality of life to its suppliers, employees, clients, partners, patients, and to the general public by means of its excellence within the research, development, production, and commercialization of its products while also being a company that values socio-environmental responsabilities. All of this goes to reaffirm our statement, “If it’s Teuto, it’s trustworthy.”